Schedule to receive appointments

To configure your center’s schedule, it is necessary to take into account two aspects:

One of them is the opening hours of the center. This configuration is the first one you have made when you open your account and it is part of the process to access the Bookitit Control Panel. It is about setting the hours in which your center will be open.

To configure or modify this option you must go to Opening hours in the Bookitit Control Panel.

Here you will find a schedule from Monday to Sunday from 00:00 to 23:45, separated in 15 minute intervals. To select the hours when your center is open, make sure that at the top of the screen, in the “Open” and “Closed” buttons, the former is selected. If it is selected correctly, it will appear in green.

Go to the hours when your center will be open and click on them with the left mouse button. To select several hours at the same time and have them all displayed in “open”, hold down the button on the time and, without releasing it, drag the mouse to the desired hours.

To modify the schedule and change it to “closed”, make sure that the “Closed” button at the top of the screen is selected. Now, you can follow the same procedure to set when your center is closed.

The second thing to note is the separate schedule for each agenda. The agenda is the person or place that provides the service to the customer. That is, it can be an employee or a sports court, for example. In this way, each agenda can configure its own schedule always within the center’s schedule. This is a decisive configuration, since this schedule will be reflected in the availability of the agenda at the time of a customer’s reservation.

To configure the independent schedule of each agenda, access the Bookitit Control Panel and, from here, go to My Agendas. Here you will see a list of all the schedules you have previously created. To configure the schedule of each one of them, select the clock icon -the fifth one from the left- located on the right of each one of the agendas. You will be directed to a new screen where you will start the configuration.

On this screen you will see a schedule from Monday to Sunday from 00:00 to 23:45 separated, in the same way, in 15 minute intervals. It will show in green the hours when your center is open, which you have previously configured as indicated in the previous step. The rest of the hours will appear as “Closed” and in gray.

To configure the schedule of each of the agendas, within the hours in which the center is open, you must configure whether or not the agenda is available to receive online appointments in that time interval. If the agenda is not available at a certain time, even though the center is open, you must select that time/s as “Not online”.

To do this, make sure that among the buttons at the top of the screen, “No Online” is selected. If it is selected correctly, the button will be marked in green. Once the Not Online option is checked, go to the time when the calendar will not be available and click on it. To select more than one time at the same time, hold down on the time and, without releasing it, drag the mouse to other times. If the procedure is successful, the times will appear as “Not online”.

If you want to display the times when the calendar is available to receive online bookings, select the “Online” button at the top of the screen and perform the same procedure as described above.

Once you have configured the independent schedules for each agenda, in the choice of day and date in the booking process by the customer only those times that you have just configured will be shown as available.

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